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Hints of Sicily.

Damasco Studio for Baglio di Pianetto has created a project that expresses the flavors, scents and authenticity of a winery deeply rooted in Sicilian tradition, but with a modern and innovative outlook.

From devising an eye-catching graphic concept to creating materials for trade shows and industry events, the project aimed to enhance brand identity in a sophisticated and minimalist way.


The visual concept was designed to be a balance between tradition and modernity. The graphics are characterized by clean lines and a minimalist aesthetic that recalls the essential beauty of Sicilian landscapes.


To define a modern and minimal visual image, enhancing Sicilian elegance and tradition through a distinctive graphic concept that represents the scents of Baglio di Pianetto.

  1. Development of the graphic concept
    We began with a graphic analysis to translate into images, shapes, and colors the credo and scents of Baglio di Pianetto wines.
  2. Graphic concept development
    The creative team worked to develop representative, modern and minimal graphics designed to reinforce the brand identity and make it recognizable on every touch point.
  3. Graphic materials for trade shows and events
    Creation of visual and graphic media for participation in industry events, with emphasis on communicating corporate identity through catalogs, display panels and promotional materials.

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